COVID-19 Use Case
The Mission: To deal effectively with the coronavirus epidemic, researchers needed to get the most up-to-date information quickly and accurately to leverage existing research, minimize errors and redundancies and organize their findings faster.
In a Global pandemic, every moment meant another life saved!

The Challenge
Questions such as: ‮"‬Which existing drugs could be effective for treating COVID-19?‮"‬ and ‮"‬What is the accuracy of existing SARS-CoV-2 tests?‮"‬ are difficult to answer using standard search engines, requiring endless hours of tedious work, often ending with partial results at best, leading to inaccurate or incorrect conclusions.
Socrates was made accessible for top researchers in Intelligence Units in the IDF and medical researchers at top hospitals in Israel:
Focus and Field - Up until beginning of 2020, nobody knew what COVID was or where to start looking for it? Researchers needed to find every bit of research being conducted on similar Corona viruses, their characteristics, treatments, etc. Socrates helped point them in the EXACT direction needed to aggregate these crucial insights
Filter - Socrates helped them broaden their research, then narrow and refine the search with smart suggestions, keywords and other helpful insights
Find - The most relevant and trusted sources with keywords and concepts highlighted
Feedback - Researchers could help Socrates to better guide them in the right direction with our suggested terms, like/dislike buttons, term groups and their weight
Frame - With our proprietary Annotations, labels, source filtering and sharing - Socrates helped collaborators arrive at better results faster
Files - All research and sources were kept neat and orderly, easily accessible to all stakeholders, all in one place
Finish - Researchers were able to generate reports based on all or parts of their research for editing, sharing and review

How Socrates Helped

Socrates In
Academic Medicine
Literature Review and Knowledge Distribution During an Outbreak: A Methodology for Managing Infodemics
This artificial intelligence–based data harvesting research engine simplified the integration of multiple online sources (including social media and preprint archives) and enabled complex literature review designs with an unlimited number of search terms. Additionally, every search term could be further defined for the level of impact it should have on the results: the user could mark a term as obligatory and harvest results that necessarily contained that term, the user could boost a term to increase the visibility of results that contained that term, or the user could give penalties to terms to decrease the visibility of results with that term.
Academic Medicine - Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges